A tree, rarely a shrub. It is mostly planted as an ornamental tree. The fruits are bitter and were sometimes picked as an addition to beer instead of hops, less often for brandy or jam.
Species | Trees (Macrofanerophytes) |
Living space | Deciduous forest |
Size | 10-25 m |
As a medicinal plant, it was used against cramps. Breck wood is highly valued and is also popular with beekeepers as it is very honey-bearing. The buds are shiny. Leaves patched and in youth on the underside slightly felted hairy. The flowers are grouped in small-flowered, comb-shaped inflorescences. The white petals are almost round. Initially yellowish red, later brown pome fruits are up to 1.5 cm long. It grows on limestone soils, especially in warmer forests, and extends to mountainous areas.
Source: lifehabitats.com