Home Live healthy

Live healthy

The Municipality of Novo mesto, in accordance with its vision of development, wants to provide its citizens with a quality, healthy, safe and clean living environment, well-planned infrastructure and opportunities for recreation and other leisure activities. With its activities, the Municipality tries to be inclusive for all residents and key stakeholders as much as possible, reaching agreements between them and directing its development to an even better future for future generations who will feel a sense of belonging to Novo mesto.

That is why the Municipality joined the European VARCITIES project, which is aimed at developing innovative solutions for healthy living and well-being in urban spaces. The Project is ambitious as it brings awareness of the complexity and challenges the cities face in the future and is therefore looking for ways to establish sustainable models to increase the health and quality of time spent by the inhabitants of urban centers exposed to different climatic conditions. By encouraging innovation in various urban dimensions, the VARCITIES Project intends to make full use of natural solutions from a digital, social and cultural perspective.

The VARCITIES Project is financed by the European Union through the Horizon 2020 − Research and Innovation Program. The Municipality of Novo mesto is one of the eight participating cities. The goal of the pilot project in Novo mesto is to revitalize the area in Češča vas with new recreational areas in nature and to develop the offer and services of a healthy life and recreation for different target groups.

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