For swimmers of all ages and levels of swimming skills

the Novo mesto Swimming Pool


Opening hours

Swimming pool
Monday to Friday: 8:00 am – 9:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sundays: CLOSED

Monday to Friday: 4:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sundays: CLOSED

The covered swimming pool is the dream come true in the Novo mesto sports infrastructure and provides excellent conditions for learning to swim, recreational exercise and professional swimming training. It is available for use to all age groups, regardless of one’s swimming experience. It includes the main 25-metre long swimming pool, a smaller heated pool and a sauna. A maximum of 339 visitors can be in the swimming facilities at the same time.



For regeneration and relaxation, there are two Finnish saunas in the basement of the pool facilities, which are available to all pool visitors upon the purchase of a pool ticket. A reservation must be made before using the sauna. A maximum of 6 people can be in each sauna at the same time.

Make a reservation


The cafe in the lobby of the swimming pool complex offers a view of the lively action in the pool, where you can get some refreshments and rest. You can also socialize in the fresh air on the outdoor terrace. The access to the cafe is also possible from the pool area.

Around the pool facilities

Live healthy

zdravstveni dom Novo mesto

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plavalci v Bazenu Novo mesto

Why is swimming good for children?

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What our visitors said

 As a child, I wanted to train swimming, but Novo mesto did not offer that possibility. Nevertheless, it is my favorite form of recreation and I often swam in sports pools in Ljubljana. I am overjoyed that I can swim at my hometown now. Our swimming pool is better than any other, the view from the water of the greenery fills you with special energy.


Experts emphasize how useful swimming is for children, for the development of the child’s skeleton, for good posture, heart and lungs, for fitness and well-being. That’s why I wanted all my children to attend swimming lessons and I took them to the swimming pools nearby. I am happy that my youngest child will be able to learn to swim in a nice new pool in our hometown.


Finally, The swimmers who have outgrown the Grm pool and want more serious swimming can only say: “Finally!” September is here and it’s time for a real swimming pool, which was eagerly expected by the capital of Dolenjska Region and by all those who can’t wait to swim. The first jump into the pool justified all our expectations. Its location, the connection with nature and the direct proximity to the forest make swimming in this complex even more inviting and special. It will be a pleasure to swim, to follow the events, results and young talents that the new pool will attract in the future.

Igor K.

When we were first testing the pool, we tried to get used to the fact that the pool is longer than the one in Grm, that the water is cooler, that it has everything that real sports pools have. Well, it’s not hard to get used to better things. As we swim, between the short breaths we see roe deer and rabbits running across the meadow next to the forest. The new pool really is superb!

Žan Ž.

 As a member of PKNM, I had the privilege of being able to swim in our new pool. I’m impressed with the location, being out of the way of walkers. The pool offers me the possibility of undisturbed swimming, which we haven’t had in the Dolenjska Region until now. I am grateful to witness the historic event. I wish everyone to enjoy swimming.

Vesna M.

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