It is a deciduous tree with edible fruits.
Species | Trees (Macrofanerophytes) |
Living space | Deciduous forest |
Size | 5-15 m |
It is a medium-tall tree that rarely exceeds 15 m in height. It often grows bushy. The trunk is slender and cylindrical, while the bark of young trees is grayish yellowish, while in older trees it is blackish and cracked at length. The crown is sparse and round. Wood is a beautiful reddish color and is extremely popular for making turned objects and walking sticks. In the past, it was believed that wood casts out evil spirits, hence the popularity of making hiking poles out of its wood. The leaves are composed and have from five to thirteen oblong, at the base of entire, otherwise sharply cut leaves. The flowers, which appear from May to June, are tiny and grouped in whorls of white color. The fruits are small, up to 1 cm red berries (botanically, they are pitted fruits), which are also grouped into “clusters”. It reproduces by seeds, which are helped to spread by birds and which can germinate even a few years after they have been discarded.