Cyprinus carpio



Carp is a freshwater fish that most often lives in lakes and larger, slow-moving rivers of Europe and Asia. The “wild” population of wild (river) carp is assessed as threatened with extinction, but the species is also domesticated and has been introduced into waters around the world. Therefore, it is often considered an invasive species.

SpeciesA fish
HabitatLake, Swamp, Streams, Rivers, Pond
Sizefrom 50 to 100 cm
Weightup to 15 kg





Carp is considered the most important breeding fish of warm, lowland ponds. It reaches the age of up to 100 years. It feeds mainly on the most natural absorption of food from the bottom, and by taking food with the mouth. They chew their food with their pharyngeal teeth. It can eat up to 30% of its weight of food per day. The most common natural food is worms, larvae, water grass, mussels, crabs, leeches… As bait, fishermen most often use boilies , corn, hemp, loose foods… It is omnivorous. The wild carp − it grows up to 15 kg, is elongated, endangered because of fishing and crossing species with farmed carp. It lives in mostly remote rivers, far from settlements. Crossbreeding has resulted in several species. It has a flattened body, with a rather large head and blunt muzzle. On the upper lip of the carp, we can find four tentacles, or “whiskers” as we call them, namely two smaller and two larger ones. The dorsal fin, which extends quite far along its back, is quite characteristic of the carp. The colors of carp can be very different, and otherwise they can be found from golden yellow to quite dark brown, and sometimes almost black, and the belly has a dirty white or light gray color.


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