Home Živali in rastline Lisasti kozliček – Strangalia quadrifasciata

Strangalia quadrifasciata

Lisasti kozliček – Strangalia quadrifasciata


It is a species of beetle from the family Cerambycidae.

Living spaceClean or mixed forest, Conifer forest, Deciduous forest, Mixed forest
Size11-20 mm


The length of adult beetles is from 11 to 20 mm. Along the upper part of the body they have four more or less continuous transverse yellow bands on a black background. In extreme cases, they can also be completely black. It occurs throughout the northern and central Palearctic region. The life cycle lasts two or three years. The larvae drill winding galleries on a variety of trees, namely oak, beech, birch, willow, alder, elderberry and spruce.

Source: lifehabitats.com

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