Home Živali in rastline Maklen, Field maple

Acer campestre

Maklen, Field maple


The Field maple grows up to 20 m in height and up to 80 cm in diameter. The tree bark is finely mesh-cracked and corky, the leaves are in opposite pairs, 3 to 7 cm long and 5 to 10 cm wide, in time the upper surface gets smooth and darker, and the lower surface lighter colour and glabrous, with fine hair below.

SpeciesTrees ( macrophanerophytes )
HabitatClear or mixed forest, Forest edge
Sizeup to 20 m


The flowers are bisexual and united in yellowish inflorescences. They bloom from March to May. A flat seed with a wing is spread by the wind. The fruit consists of two winged partial carpels of reddish or green color, which are short hairy or glabrous and 2.5 to 3 cm long. Field maple is found on light, deep and humus-rich calcareous soils. It tolerates drought, salt, shade and winter cold well. It is also found on moist, flooded soils and in lowland oak forests. The wood is light brown to reddish white, with clearly visible annuals and it is also hard. Its structure is dense due to slow growth.

Source: lifehabitats.com

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