Home Živali in rastline Common Whitebeam

Sorbus aria

Common Whitebeam


Common whitebeam is a deciduous tree from the family Rosaceae.

SpeciesTrees ( macrophanerophytes )
HabitatSunny locations, dry forests, rocky areas
Size12−15 m


Common whitebeam grows from 12 to 15 meters in height and is often irregular in shape. The trunk of the tree is upright and cylindrical, and the bark is gray with white spots in young trees, later becoming brownish-red. The treetop is tall, pyramidal and very dense. The leaves are elliptical in shape and reach up to 14 centimeters in length. The edge of the leaf is double cut, and on the upper surface the foliage is bright green. The lower surface of the leaves is covered in dense, short hairs. The flowers of the Common whitebeam are bisexual, and they are grouped into white, clustered inflorescences that are covered with down. The tree is an angiosperm, which means that the flowers contain pollen. Fruits produced from fertilized flowers are small red or orange berries that are edible. The flesh of these fruits is yellow flesh with a sweet taste.

Source: wikipedija.org

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