Ulmus carpinifolia

Field elm


Field Elm grows to a height of between 20 and 35 meters and has a crown width of 18 to 25 metres.

SpeciesTrees ( macrophanerophytes )
HabitatForest edge, Mixed forest, River edge, Light forest
Size20−35 m


Field elm grows to a height of between 20 and 35 meters and has a crown width of 18 to 25 m. The crown of younger trees is oval to fan-shaped, older trees are most often dome-shaped. The branches are usually spread wide. The leaves vary in shape, but all are simple, broadly oval to almost round. They reach up to 10 cm in length and up to 5 cm in width. The edge of the leaves is double serrated. The upper leaf surface is dark green and slightly shiny. The lower surface of the leaves is lighter and slightly hairy. In autumn, the leaves turn yellow. The bark of young shoots is brown, often with corky outgrowths. On older branches, the bark is red-brown to brown. The bark of the trunk is brown or dark brown in color and is deeply fissured longitudinally.[2] The tree blooms before leafing , from March to April, and the flowers are brown-red and inconspicuous. The fruits are round and flat brown winged nuts. The diameter of the fruit is usually 1.5 cm.

Surce: wikipedija.org

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