Home Živali in rastline The Eurasian Otter

Lutra lutra

The Eurasian Otter


The Eurasian otter is mostly active at night. The otter is a predator of fish, crabs, frogs and birds. They hunt at night.

Living spaceLake, Rivers, Streams, Swamp
Size90 cm
Weight10 kg



Large rivers (Sava, Drava, Mura) are too polluted for them, therefore, they is found only in smaller and less polluted tributaries. The Eurasian otter has a brown back and creamy colored abdomen. The muscular tail serves as a rudder when it floats and dives. It dips into the water for a maximum of two minutes. The male defends the territory (up to 40 square kilometers) by marking it with excrement. Mating is not season-specific.

Vir: lifehabitats.com

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