Home Animals and plants The Common Kingfisher/Eurasian Kingfisher/River Kingfisher

Alcedo atthis

The Common Kingfisher/Eurasian Kingfisher/River Kingfisher


It is a typical representative of its family, with a short tail, a stout body, big head and an even more disproportionately large beak. Due to its noticeable and colourful feathers, the common kingfisher is easily distinguished from all other birds. 

SpeciesA bird
Living spaceLake
Size17 -19,5 cm
Weight31 g


They nest along small to medium sized, slowly flowing streams, which are at least partially overgrown with trees and with vertical banks in which the common kingfisher digs out a hole. Occasionally it also nests along the lakes. It cannot survive in places where the watercourses completely freeze. In spite of its vibrant color, it is sometimes surprisingly difficult to spot out in the open. It is when the kingfisher takes to the air that it is the easiest to spot – it is hard to miss its bright blue back. Kingfishers predominantly eat fish, feeding on small fish, as well as insects (e.g. dragonflies) and also on molluscs and crustaceans (rarely). They catch fish by rapidly diving from their lookout points into the water at an angle of 45º, grabbing the fish with its beak and then flying back before hitting it against a hard surface and swallowing it with its head tilted upwards.

Source: lifehabitats.com


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